Ancestors of  Rudolf BÜNZ, Master-plumber


The Bünz-family  from the West of Schleswig-Holstein is connected to the Fuhrmann-family by marriage. So the history of this family is added to this web-page.
The family didn't settle all the time at the same place, but research through several churchbooks could follow the moving of the family to the different places back to the begin of the churchrecords in the churchbooks of Bokel, Albersdorf and Meldorf in 1650.
More research in the churchbooks of Fitzbeck and Armstedt-Bramstedt in the South of Schleswig-Holstein has to be done and could develop one or two more generations back.


Table of Contents

The ancestry report uses 'Ahnentafel' numbering. This means that the numbers for a person's parents will be twice as large as that person's number. For example, if a woman's number is 15, her father will be number 30, and her mother will be 31. Her child will be number 7.

This web site produced 16 Nov 2009 by Günther Fuhrmann , using PAF 4, a product of
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

developed by:
Günther Fuhrmann
Heide 1
Kontakt: (Spamschutz -at- = @ )

Alle Rechte für jegliche Vervielfältigung, besonders auch im Internet, beim Autor.
All copyrights for text and pictures , speciall for the internet, too, by the author